Sunday, September 08, 2024

It Feels Almost Like Cheating

In my mind's eye, the Holly Bazaar sewing was going to happen in August. When it didn't, I reset my sights on the first week of September. Well, the universe had other plans. Friday I finally dug in. I cut the bits for both an autumn and a Christmas runner and with a little bit of sewing here and there and the Christmas runner is ready to quilt (YAY!), all I needed to do was nail down a binding. So the digging began.

You know when you pull a thread and you're not quite sure if it's just a stray or if it's actually connected to something? Well, I sort of had that happen to me, only with projects. Digging through my infamous chair which houses many of my WIPs I spied a bit of fabric that might work. Turns out its a pair of placemats that I had stitched while wrapping up last year's sewing, they just need to be quilted. Surprise, surprise!

And what was that just beneath it? Another potential runner. It's a long strip of surplus hourglass blocks from Snippets which was finished up in 2021. It will be the perfect starting point for a runner, maybe two. Or is it to be placemats?

I tested two florals for borders. Either one will work but I think that the mauve will be the winner. But it needs a little something extra.

How about a narrow strip of this tiny floral print? Nah.

But this green is perfect, so I'll play a little. 

These two/three newfound projects plus the two that I was working on, and possibly a yellow braid runner/placemats, and suddenly I'm well on my way. Oh happy day! Time to press a few things and see where they take me. (Did I mention that I love that chair?)....M


Chantal said...

Lol. That chair is like Mary Poppins' bag. It holds everything one needs. Enjoy! ;^)

Anonymous said...

Isn’t it great when the ufo pile reveals a nearly finished project for the bazaar!? Gail at the cozy quilter.

audrey said...

Not cheating!! When opportunity knocks....:)

Rebecca Grace said...

Not cheating, just serendipity! Congrats on unearthing those WIPs at just the right time. Hope you enjoy finishing them up for your bazaar!