Monday, September 02, 2024

Movin' Right Along

No sooner had I posted about working on Second Hand Clothes than I enjoyed a visit with my sister Frances so I put her to work helping me cut the 6.5" squares that I needed for between the pieced blocks.

Before you know it, we were throwing blocks up on the design wall and patting ourselves on the back for a job well done.

It's such a hodgepodge of fabrics but they all seem to work.

Love this blue and black plaid; I think it's the only plaid in the quilt, but a nice bit of additional interest.

Needless to say, I spent all night wishing I were sewing blocks together rather than sleeping, so in the morning downstairs I went. Only one small glitch when I discovered a flaw in this brown block. It was too deep into the block so I just cut another to replace it with.

In just over two hours, I had the flimsy together, minus the outer border. The red setting triangles are just so great at giving everything a lift.

Now on to the border. I'm keen to wrap this project up quickly because it's time to buckle down and make a few items for the Holly Bazaar craft table so that I can get them quilted and bound in plenty of time. I've got ideas for a couple of toppers/runners but it always helps to have a firm list to work with (you know, because those quilting squirrels like Christmas too!)....M


1 comment:

Rebecca Grace said...

Love your "hodgepodge" of alternate blocks, Marie! The final effect is very cohesive. Looks great!