Sunday, September 01, 2024

A Combo

Happy September 1! GAH!!! How did that happen?!

I picked up a second hand stitching project when we were away but only had time to stitch about two blocks. It's another flimsy for QFS called Second Hand Clothes, so very scrappy. I've also seen the pattern referred to as Soldier's Dream.

It's the result of yet another Pinterest browsing session and it's from the Doodlebugs and Rosebuds blog. There are a variety of versions of all over the net but I particularly liked the way Ramona used the red setting triangles. 

This is the first block that came together; I believe that it is called Puss in the Corner.

It should come together fairly quickly as every alternate block is a solid square rather than a pieced block and because the QFS tops are lap-sized, I have downsized it so that there are only 20 pieced blocks needed. I'll sew the flimsy together by machine. The combination of hand stitching and machine sewing will move things along nicely.

All 20 blocks are pieced so now it's time to cut about 30 squares. Not sure if the red in the first image will be for all of the setting triangles or if I make them scrappy. Time will tell....M

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