Tuesday, September 24, 2024

And The Second One is Finished, Too

The binding is now finished on Brown Stars as well and it turned out beautifully. I thought that I loved it before the binding was added but that gingham just took everything to another level.
I've said it before but I think that it bears repeating - that cinnamon pansy fabric combined with the gingham just made this quilt. Those pansies were stretched to the very limit as I had only a small piece so it required getting as creative as possible with how to use it.
I was flying by the seat of my pants with this one so I was very generous with it when I made the first block.
But you can see where just those tiny cornerstones in the star centre work well too.
It came through in lots of ways and that variety works so well to make the quilt cohesive. The scrappy creams worked nicely too.

Roberta quilted it with rows and rows of feathers that give it such a wonderful traditional feel.

And that backing - just wonderful. It reminds me of Italian glass.
I won't lie - this one is going to be hard to let go of. But it's not about me. Time to remember why I made it, package it up and send it off for someone to use in their healing journey....M


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Marie this quilt just turned out so great and I understand how it just wants to stay with you. You have such a generous heart!! love this pattern. xo