American Portraits: Family Farm was beautifully done using hand printed image transfers on vintage feed sacks. It spoke to the history of the family farm and how so many were married, raised children, and often died on the same patch of ground.
The images were so compelling...
it just drew you in to look and read a little.
Interesting that I focused on the images of women...
It brought to mind many of my relatives who were/are hard working farmers and how as kids we loved to go and help with the haying. In my mind, no one works harder than a farmer.

Those little blocks finish of about 2 x 3" and all of the fabrics are hand dyed.
We spent a lot of time chatting about how 'random' is not that easy to do!
Next up, Delphinium.
This small quilt was waaay above my head (so to speak) so I was only able to get the bottom corner of it but I like how some of the blossoms are three dimensional. Great work in selecting fabrics.
Beside it was this one, again waaaaay up high so tough to get a good straight on image.
The colours were beautiful and it almost appeared to be a tapestry. I think that the fabrics may have been naturally dyed.
I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm not usually a black quilt person, but there was something about this one that really caught my eye. Seeing it again I realize that it's an ode to maple syrup and tapping maple trees.
This one was called Pink and all those little bits hit the mark for me.
I loved the texture of these strips and all of the straight line quilting...
And this little guy? Well, besides being beautifully crafted, he was just too cute not to take a picture of and is a nice way to finish off this post....M
Thank you for sharing these artistic creations - the farm related piece speaks volumes from showcasing the voices of women to using feedsacks as the base. I love each one for its uniqueness and the colors in the Delphinium art quilt make me swoon...
I didn't realize how small the blocks were for Matchsticks. Very cool. Some very artistic people.
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