When I picked it up a few weeks ago I thought that I just had a bit of outlining to do, but noooo - there was quite a bit of it still to finish up, along with more stitching to add. As I went along I realized why this had been set aside - I had run out of the deep purple floss for Santa's sack.
I checked with a few shops in town and finally found DMC floss but the colour code that I had was nowhere to be seen (I almost think that DMC codes have completely changed since this project was started because there was nothing in the 6000 series). Not having been smart enough to take the piece shopping with me so that I could match thread colours (I just took the colour code) I was left trying to figure out which might work; these three came home with me.
None of them were a match but given the area that needed to be stitched I was able to get away with using one. Whew!

I still like it as much as the day I started it, particularly that it is stitched on linen, and think that I will get it framed. I had thought of using it for a cushion top but I'm afraid of how the cross stitch would wear. Every now and then we enjoy the company of a little four-legged visitor who likes to beat up on my cushions, sending them flying to the floor. I think Santa would be much safer in a frame.
Yesterday we celebrated my favourite niece's birthday so I made a white, snowy cake to match the day. Lots of fun celebrating this lovely and talented gal...M
Congratulations on your finish! It might have taken a long time but it looks soooo good!
So nice to finish an old project! Santa looks very jolly!
There should be a trumpet salute for your accomplishment!
That's a long time UFO that is now finished... I vote for framing this treasure!
I think you should have a prize for a beautiful completed project. Well done.
Three cheers on your Santa - he is wonderful! I always admire cross stitching - it is totally beyond me. (I just finished a 22 year UFO folk art Santa - you have me beat by a few years - isn’t it a good feeling though to complete a project like this)
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