Yes, it's that time of the year again. Ghouls and goblins will be haunting the neighbourhood in a few hours, assuming that the rain holds off. This year's scary greeting is compliments of the lovely and talented Jane. This is the inside of the card that she made us...
...and this is the cover. Isn't is just fantastic?
I mean, just look at the details! That teenie tiny garland is just too cute for words. I'm not a huge Halloween fan but she is, and it shows.

Between hopping up and down to shell out to the creatures that come calling this evening I will be binding the acorn potholders. I've got five of the eight finished so hopefully I'll get one or two more finished tonight (if I can keep my hands on my needle and out of the candy bowl, that is!) Happy Halloween!!!....M
Your potholders are adorable :)
Have fun seeing all the children in their costumes tonight. Now that we moved to the country we don't have any trick or treaters . . . I miss out on all that fun now :(
What an awesome card. It's as much work as making a quilt! Good luck getting the bonding done.
I love your potholders.
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