Sunday, June 23, 2024

Soggy Stitching

We're home again. Thankfully the heat wave has broken to some extent, and with that change came rain. It's been nothing if not variable - sunny one minute, pouring the next - but the rain is a welcome change. And a little more cross stitch is the perfect way to spend a soggy Sunday.

This time around I decided to start with Santa's house.

Then there was a little landscaping.

And now I'm into roofing. It's fun to see it come together though invariably, as I add new colours, I see where I have occasionally misplaced a stitch. No worries. The pattern is flexible enough at this point that I can fill in as desired and it's close enough for me....M


The Cozy Quilter said...

Stitching is an excellent way to spend a rainy day!

Andrea said...

A rainy day is to spend a slow Sunday stitching. What a delightful little project. I am sure Santa is thrilled with how his house is coming along. Happy stitching! -Andrea

Kim said...

Rain is always a welcome change after stinking hot days. Santa's house is very sweet. One will never notice those misplaced stitches.

CathieJ said...

I love to spend a rainy day stitching. Although lately the extremely hot, sunny days have been reason to stay inside and stitch also. Enjoy your roofing and more. LOL