Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Lemons or Lemonade?

Not surprisingly, there's another squirrel loose in my sewing room, a yellow one this time. 

All it took was an email from a friend who asked a group of our quilters if we would consider making quilted bookmarks for Christmas bundles that she gives to shut-ins - she needs about 40. Soon the idea of also making mug rugs came up, so naturally, I had to head to the scrap bins to see what I could start. I've also been pinning ideas like mad.

A braid seemed like a quick and easy place to start, and it was. Not sure exactly what size to make my strips (I want the mug rugs to be about 6" x 8") I cut them 2" x 6.5".

And very quickly I had this, which I love. 

If I trimmed and didn't waste any of the edges I would end up with a piece about 7.5". But even though they are scraps, I just can't bring myself to trim them to 6.5" wide and waste some of those corner pieces so that I can have the braid running across the mug, not vertically. Stall.

So, after I slept on it I'm changing gears (squirrels do that a lot). I will cut this strip in half and add borders to each piece to make a set of placemats for the Holly Bazaar. Then, I will cut another shorter set of strips to make mug rugs and get that braid running in the direction that I want. Not exactly what I was planning, but when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!...M


Gretchen Weaver said...

Got to watch out for those squirrels! They can take over the sewing room if we're not careful, happy stitching!

audrey said...

Oh yes, those squirrels! Loving the look of your color palette though. This must be great fun to sew with.:)