Thursday, July 18, 2019

I Took Your Advice

Halo quilt: #QuiltBee
Summer is in full swing and the July calendar has been busy so there has been precious little stitching done lately, not even hand stitching. Despite the fact that I drag it wherever we go it doesn't seem to come out of the box; catching up on my reading seems to be taking priority. That said, I did escape into the cool of the basement a few nights this week to work on Halo a bit.

Halo quilt: #QuiltBeeA few weeks ago I was toying with making this quilt much whiter than it is, ghosting in several of the orbs, but when I asked what you thought of the idea the feedback was overwhelmingly to stick to the original plan, so I'm following your advice.

Halo quilt: #QuiltBee
I love the scrappiness of it all...

Halo quilt: #QuiltBeehow traditional prints meet up with more contemporary patterns.

Halo quilt: #QuiltBeeAnd it amazes me how it changes as every new pie shaped piece is put up on the wall.

Sewing curves isn't the fastest process in the world so I have to just try and find the zen in it. I started out pinning one at a time, sewing it, pressing, and then starting another, but I found that if I pinned small batches of three or four and then sewed them all at the same time and then pressed them all it seemed to go faster, so that's where I'm at.

Halo quilt: #QuiltBeeThis looks a lot like the picture up above but if you look closely you'll see how it is slowly filling in. None of the blocks are together yet because I keep moving things around as new pie shaped pieces are made. Still lots of curves in my future!....M


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love it!! old fashioned but yet modern

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

I love the fabrics and how you put them together! Every block looks great!

Kyle said...

This is so marvelous. The pattern is great the way it accepts all colors, patterns, and styles. Approaching this with an assembly line method seems much more efficient.

Shelina said...

This is a gorgeous quilt! I love the scrappiness of it and how the pattern keeps it all cohesive.

marina said...

It looks amazing, love the scrappiness!
The fabrics blend beautifully

audrey said...

Looking so good! Love the scrappy feel to it and of course, circles. What could be better?:)