There are some moments in a life that you recognize as game changers. For our family, one of those was when our friends Nancy and Vince moved their young family from Montreal to a farm on the edge of town. I can't remember the year but I believe I was only about 8 or 9. The bond that our families formed continues to this day and we are fortunate to still be able to get together and share a few laughs. We did that recently with dinner at the farm and it was a chance to get caught up on what Nancy was creating in her sewing room.
Nancy loves colour - LOTS of it - and graphic prints. She is a wonderful seamstress and that love of colour and texture translates into her quilts. This WIP that she and Betty are standing beside is a perfect homage to her sensibilities - bright, bold and beautiful.
Very reminiscent of Freddy Moran, wouldn't you say?
I had a few more great photos but they are trapped in a cell phone that died and, sadly, lost forever. Suffice it to say that her design sense is not waning.

In her studio we found another beauty, this
Log Cabin made with wonderful batiks. She shared a wonderful story of buying fabric on a trip to Bali and needing to buy eight hockey bags at an outdoor market to get it all home (she loves a bargain)! On a mission to work through her stash, she is creating gorgeous quilts as she does.
Always resourceful, she uses scrap strips to create beautiful one-of-a-kind rag rugs.
And, her creative genius has been passed down to several of her grandchildren. Love this portrait that one of them whipped up depicting Nancy smoking a joint once it was announced that cannabis would become legal in Canada. Cheeky!.....M
What a great post. Value that vibrant friendship.
what a cute sketch! so nice to last friends for a lifetime you are very lucky
How lovely to see Nancy's work! It sure does remind me of Freddy Moran, one of my idols. I love the rag rugs she makes as well. Do you know how she makes those?
Love this!
Just WOW,what a talented and productive lady, love her vibrant, wild quilts. And the fact that nothing is wasted, fabric that just keeps on giving.....way to go Nancy. Lindianna
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