Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Secret Sewing and a Sweet Treat

There's a new project on my sewing table - one that I had totally forgotten about. It's a bit of a secret squirrel thing right now but I can give you a peek at a few of the fabrics.

I've mentioned before that attempts to tidy up my sewing room can most often be equated to an archaeological dig - I always dust off something unexpected. This time it was a bag of fabrics and pattern instructions that I'm certain have been sitting around for at least two years. They are for a quilt that I saw at Roberta's and knew exactly who I wanted to make it for, and then it got lost in the piles.

And, there's a second part to the dig. In looking at the instructions I had this sneaking feeling that I had a ruler that would work for parts of the quilt. Another deep dive into the sewing room produced a set of Tri-Recs triangle-in-a-square rulers that were still in the package. I had bought them for another project that has yet to be started and then filed them away with my other rulers. Sort of felt like Christmas!

My new Creative Grids cutting mat arrived just in time to get taken for a test drive. Love the blue/grey colouring.

Between all my digging and cutting I baked a batch of squares. I've been craving fresh strawberries but they seem to be very scarce, I'm thinking because we had such a dry spring. But cherries are in season and I love them too, so I made a batch of Cherry Almond Squares. SO good! And yes, there is a square missing in the corner of the pan; taste testing while they cooled...

It was a new recipe but one that I will definitely make again. You can make the dough in a food processor (it is buttery and tender with a little crunch from the ground almonds) so the longest part of the job was pitting the cherries, which wasn’t long at all. The combination of almond and cherry is hard to beat. If you like cherries these are a winner. At least that's what the Official Cookie Tester says....M


Shelina said...

I unearth wonderful surprises too when I clean my sewing room. I am glad you found both the fabric and the ruler so you could use them together. The cherry squares look delicious!

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Your cherry almond squares look divine! Your fabrics are beautiful. I have a guess as to what you will be piecing;).

Rebecca Grace said...

Your cherry almond squares are making me DROOL all over my keyboard! I can definitely relate to unexpected "Christmas" surprises when you clean up the studio. I found quite a few tools I forgot all about buying when I was reorganizing and rearranging a few weeks ago.

Kyle said...

Your newest dessert creation looks delicious. Enjoy working on your new project as well.