The Official Cookie Tester cut the lawn today for the first time this season and that glorious freshly mowed grass fragrance is everywhere. What a wonderful sign of spring and a terrific way to begin our May long weekend. It seemed to set the stage perfectly for a bit of a giveaway.
Some time ago Jane and I dropped in on Roberta with a few quilts for her to quilt and had a great visit. We got a peek behind the curtain to see how she works her quilting magic. We also got to see some of the projects she's working on and she sent both of us home with a little gift - the Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star ruler. Apparently she had to buy six at a time (!) but she was so keen to try it out that this didn't prove to be an obstacle so she shared the wealth. Long story short, I came home with two - one for me and one to use as a giveaway, so Cocoa and Quilts is our giveaway sponsor 😊.
There are instructions included with the ruler and I was really impressed with how well things went together.

Not one Y seam to be had!
The directions were very well written and, being a leftie, I was happy to see cutting instructions for both right and lefthanders. It took me about an hour from start to finish to make a block, including cutting, but now that I've done it once I know that it would get quicker the more you do.
You can make blocks from 3" to 12" in size. Roberta made about 12 of them at once for mug rugs and is down to about five or six as they make
great little gifts. She's thinking that it is probably time to dig the ruler out again and make more, maybe with her Fig Tree stash. They would be gorgeous.
Mine is an 8" block (I didn't want to start out too small before I knew what I was doing) but I'm thinking that I might make a couple of 7" blocks for potholders for the Holly Bazaar.
I've seen this scrappy version on Pinterest which I just adore and would like to see if I could create something similar...
and this one that I saw on Craftsy. Drool.
So, if you are keen on the
Lemoyne Star block and would like to make this ruler your own, just leave me a comment with what you'd like to make with it; the Official Cookie Tester will draw the winner on May 26. Good luck!....M
p.s. Just to give you a further idea of Roberta's very generous spirit, she recently quilted
20 - yes 20! - quilts for the folks in Humboldt struggling to deal with the aftermath of that fatal bus crash that killed so many of their hockey team. She is part of a small army of quilters worldwide who made and quilted quilts for this effort. They had hoped to get 200 donated and I believe will have about 1,000 all told. How wonderful.