Okay. It's still freezing here and has been all week. And maybe I've just been hiding under the blankets too long, but my heart skipped a beat tonight, not because of the temperature, but because I came across the graphic design that the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics committee has chosen to represent Russia's first games.
It's a quilt!
And a gorgeous one at that - in 5 stunningly gorgeous colour ways. Can you believe it?!!
A combination of
16 designs representing the most famous traditional Russian arts and crafts, ranging from Gzhel to Khokhloma, are used and intended to express the character of modern Russia while introducing guests from around the world to traditional Russian hospitality.

A medley of geometric patterns based on traditional Russian quilt designs, it is fresh and colorful, much more so than traditional Winter Olympics designs. Say what you will about the politics that always surround the games, how cool is it that a sporting event is making room at the table for the visual arts and crafts?

The branding will be used all over Russia to promote the games - from wrapping trains to incorporating it into public spaces and souvenirs. My Russian is not up to snuff but I believe that this is a venue map. Gorgeous.
The Russian Quilters Association, based in Saint Petersburg, must be tickled pink - I know I am. Maybe I have been living under a rock and this is old news, but I still think it's wonderful, and wonderfully executed. It will be interesting to see if it takes off within the quilting community. Makes me want to start cutting lots and lots of colourful diamonds.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE it?...M