Saturday was so snowy that often we could not see the ice fishing huts that were lined up out on the lake, but it made for a spectacular walk on Sunday morning.

Around this time of year I start getting weary of winter with its cold and snow, but this was magical. Made you happy to be Canadian.
Betty has been working on her Five Dollar Quilt using the blocks she bought at the garage sale this summer and a box of vintage blocks that she inherited from mom. It is going to be a work of art. Surprise, surprise.
Not all of the blocks are the same size so she is adding borders to make everything fit and is doing an amazing job of it. She brought the blocks to show us what she has been doing but spent her time making Christmas stockings and got a good jump on them.
She's been busy cross stitching names and now has the makings for several cut and ready to assemble thanks to Jane giving her the keys to her Christmas fabric stash and letting her go to town.
She also cut lots of different bias bindings for them and tried using the Clover bias tape maker that I got last year to so see if it would go faster.
It worked perfectly.

She only ironed one side down, which is what she needed, and not only sped through the process but avoided singeing her fingers at the same time. Bonus!
Next time I'll show you what Jane got up to...M
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