Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Time to Cut

I'm inching my way back to Halo but need to cut more pieces before I can continue, so digging into fabric will become the order of the day.

#QuiltBee: Halo quilt
None of my blocks are together - everything that is on the design wall are the block components - so I was tempted to just start putting a few together and then play with the layout with whatever the result was.

But I'm going to add more to the bits and pieces first and then begin assembling blocks. Those curves have a way of slowing down the process but it is a great excuse to play with lots of different fabrics.

I came across a very pretty monochromatic version of Halo the other day done all in blues but wasn't smart enough to make note of where so that I could share it with you. It made me think (like so many other patterns do) that you could just make endless varieties of the same pattern. Lovely as that sounds, I think it would also lead to a little crazy-making and a strong desire to start something different in no time.
This little fellow was at the feeder yesterday so hopefully he'll make a return visit while I cut.....M


audrey said...

I'm like you, wanting to get most of the fabric cut first. This is a fantastic block in these colors. Going to look amazing!:)

Shelina said...

I get anxious to start piecing too after I've cut a few pieces. That's usually what I do - cut a few, piece a few. Beautiful cardinal. Cardinals and blue jays have finally started coming to my feeder but they are too skittish for photos.

Kyle said...

These blocks do allow you to play with scads of fabrics. It looks like almost every thing can be included. No cardinals where I live now. I do miss seeing them.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Marie, I especially like blocks with curves. I finally ordered the templates for Drunkards Path to try to do that one someday properly. But meanwhile, always lovely things to see on your blog. The cardinals have been showing themselves more in our area as well. I love spying them too.

Sandy said...

I love your fabrics, Marie! But, those curves ... not sure I could handle that challenge. How big are you making this beauty? We’re seeing so many Cardinals and Blue Jays this Spring ... more than ever!