I was playing with flying geese and trying to figure out how to include them in the final layout too. Well, it got as far as the design wall and has been 'steeping' ever since. That is, until the stars aligned, a.k.a. a fantastic bargoon and a visit from Betty.
When helping Betty look for prints for Julia's duvet cover I snagged a truly great deal on this gorgeous periwinkle paisley Kaffe print (can you say $5/metre???!). One of my all-time faves. Pinch me.
Needless to say, it came home with me, in two pieces though. The first piece is large enough for a backing plus a few extra metres, and then when Betty saw it against the star blocks it didn't take much convincing that this was the border print, so I made a second trip for whatever was left on the bolt (what is it about needing to finish off a bolt?). Anyway, I know that I will find a second project for it down the road.

I'm going to ditch the geese and just do the stars with very wide borders (pardon the dull Bat Cave images). Now I just need to find some motivation to cut and get the top put together.
There's an old Chinese saying, "When the student is ready the teacher will appear". Well, I feel like Betty was my teacher on this one. I don't think I would have been brave enough to even consider this print with the star blocks but now that they are together it just seems to be a perfect mix. Thanks for the lesson, Betty.....M