The alternating blocks are a beautiful dusty mauve that I'm not sure my camera is doing justice to, but it works really well with the other prints.
Such a beautiful selection of prints...
She placed strips of the striped fabric that you can see in the top corner of this photo in the borders along the top and bottom edges of the quilt. The polka dots had been considered at one point too but they didn't work as well - maybe for the binding.
The top is all together now and ready to be quilted and delivered to its new owner.
The quilt goes surprisingly well with the charming pinkeep that she has made for herself; she's a real pansy lover, or is that lover of pansies? ....M
Such a lovely, serene blend of fabrics! Gorgeous!
These colours and fabrics are so beautiful!! Such a lovely quilt for a little girl.
I have recently fallen in love with hourglass blocks. The baby quilt is so pretty and the colours are calming; a lovely little quilt for a new baby! I love the pansy fancier's pincushion!
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