Saturday, March 01, 2025

Light & Dark

Anne made several flimsies for Quilts for Survivors last fall too. This is the first of two that were included in the shipment just before it was sent off in October.

It's a combination of several soft checks in pink, blue and green.

The pattern isn't complicated at all, but when you frame it with a couple of borders it really comes to life.

That pink and white stripe reminds me so much of flannel sheets that we had when we were growing up. There were just a few strong stripes of pink along the top edge of each sheet but it was the perfect colour of pink and they were so warm and cuddly. And I feel that there might have been a green stripe in there too, but I can't be certain.
A second flimsy that she made is much bolder - a completely different feel - but equally fun. SO graphic!
What a great way to use up remnant strips! Any length works and the variety almost makes it an 'I Spy' quilt. It is a testament to never throwing away those leftover pieces.

I love the bright strips that separate each column and am thinking that I need to take a look at my scraps to see if there's enough to get inspired by. Lots of love in both of these flimsies and our quilters really appreciated being able to add them to the delivery....M