Saturday, March 01, 2025
Light & Dark
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
A Kitchen Sink Spectacular
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Here Comes Cupid
That was all that it took to get me doing a search. The Take Heart pattern was designed by Lane Hunter for Modern Domestic and is intended for personal or fundraising use. It was created to bring a sense of ease while enjoying the quilting process, regardless of what is happening around us. Given all that is in flux these days, my discovery seems quite timely.
It came together in no time and finishes at 7 5/8", which is sort of an odd size. To use it in the centre of the star I needed an 8" block, so I made a second one and just increased the size of the outer triangles.Interested? I also found a short tutorial video of how to make the heart block which takes all of the mystery out of it.
Happy Valentine's Day!...M
Sunday, February 09, 2025
It's Superbowl Sunday
The Green Bay Packers didn't make it to this year's finals but my nephew Ted is a big Green Bay Packers fan so Betty, his mom, decided to make him a new duvet cover for Christmas. I think she nailed it.
She was quite creative when drawing up the pattern for the G, using a glass from an antique oval picture frame. It turned out to be the perfect size.Needless to day, Ted was thrilled....M
Friday, February 07, 2025
and before you know it, a lovely little flimsy emerges.
This time of year we've just about had it with the chill of winter and start looking longingly for those warmer spring days, just as this wee block suggests....M
Sunday, February 02, 2025
I Love a Parade!
The first two were from Jan, one of the quilters at the church, and are finished quilts and not flimsies. This gal is prolific and seems to have a genuine knack for finding patterns that she can assemble really quickly.
These large flowers look like poppies to me, and I love the fabrics that she used to make them.Tuesday, January 28, 2025
My First QFS Flimsy of the Year
I had cut the pieces for a third quilt at the same time as I cut this one and, miracle of miracles, was able to lay my hand on the zip-loc bag that they were stored in fairly quickly, so I dug it out (sometimes they end up disappearing into never never land, given the state of my sewing room, but the gods were with me this time).
This flimsy reminds me that there are several other beauties made by family and friends for last year's QFS shipment that I have yet to share with you. I'll get myself organized and start a wee parade in my next post....M
Sunday, January 26, 2025
My Head's In the Stars
Now that the church quilters are back into the swing of things and beginning work on this year's Quilts for Survivors projects, I decided to give it a try. Regrettably, I did that while a head cold was setting in so my little grey cells weren't firing on all cylinders and there seemed to be much more ripping than sewing, so I let things settle for 24 hours.
When I got back to it things went better. I was not very optimistic about the prospects for the final product given my rough start. But I was too stubborn to just toss it, and I'm happy that I didn't because it turned out surprisingly well. QFS prefers 16" blocks and this one fits the bill.Well enough for me to try another one in pinks and yellows, this time with a low volume print for the background instead of my go-to Kona Snow. Again, I was very pleasantly surprised.The last three photos are yellower than they are in reality (the colours are truest in the first photo) because of the lighting in my sewing cave, but you get the idea.Now that I seem to understand the pattern better I have gone ahead and cut coloured strips for three more blocks. This started out as a block project but depending on how industrious I get, it might become a flimsy. I'd need 12 blocks....M
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Roberta's Coming Out of the Woods, Too!
She thought that she might have goofed by inserting the narrow dark green border between the trees and the floral, but with the tiny pink flange and that beautiful teal plaid binding they just all work so beautifully together.
She enjoyed finishing up hand stitching the binding last week and is now the proud owner of her very own Holiday Forest.