Thursday, July 04, 2024

We're Going Four It!

This post might just as easily be titled 'Crazy Loves Company'. 

Last weekend I saw where Roberta had pinned this gorgeous scrappy quilt called - what else? - Scraptacular by Edyta Sitar from Laundry Basket Quilts, so I sent Roberta a note saying how I have admired it for a long time and was saving to start it for a day when I was truly crazy. 

This was one of three quilts in a Go Four It quilt along held in 2015. Yup, I'm at the leading edge of quilting trends...

Well, crazy or not, here we come. Before the weekend was out, we had decided that we were jumping in with both feet. 

I recently came across a new print by Betsy Chutchian so it will be the large floral for the alternating strips. We're still sorting out what the other main colours will be.

There are 480 little square-in-a-square scrappy blocks with four patches tucked into the centre, so before committing to this I made a few test blocks. They finish up at 2 1/8" so you sort of want to be sure. Scrappy, tiny - I'm in!...M


The Cozy Quilter said...

So tiny! This quilt should keep you busy for quite a while! Good to have a friend working on it too—-this project needs a support group!

Anonymous said...

Time to get the magnifiers out! Looks lovely but beyond my capabilities. Look forward to seeing your progress. Elaine x

Linda said...

Scraptacular for sure! you really have taken on something magnificent! Are you following a pattern? Beautiful, want to see your progress as it moves along, and Roberta's as well. Never know, might just be crazy enough to want to make one too!

Jan Hebert said...

Oh my! Those are tiny blocks! First time reader, I love your sense of humor, haha! I've been a member of Blogger for years but have only now realized that the way to comment is to go to Blogger and do it from there. Hmm...anyway, I know now. I will enjoy going back through your posts to learn more about you and your quilts. I'm Jan, from MA.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marie. I follow your blog regularly and guess I missed this one. It is going to be beautiful when you complete it. I am just as crazy as I'm thinking of also starting one. Seems simple enough , just very tiny. When you say the block finishes at 2 1/8 , is that the 4 patch or square in a square block. If not the 4 patch what size is that. Thanks for your help, please show your progress on yours. Barb , Montreal