Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Christmas Already?

Despite getting ready to enjoy the May long weekend, the official start to our summer, I've also been at work on a little Christmas project that's been lingering in the bins.

Several years ago now, Jane wondered if I would like five Christmas stocking panels which had been sitting in her stash to make up for the Holly Bazaar. Not wanting them to go to waste, I said 'yes' and so instead of sitting on her shelves they have since spent more time sitting in mine. 

There are four different patterns centred on a birdhouse theme with only one duplicate in the bunch.

While digging for something else (as usual) I pulled them out a few weeks ago and asked Roberta to quilt them for me; she used the fun Moulin Rouge panto. She also quilted a panel of fabric large enough for me to cut five stocking backs out of, using the same holly and ribbon fabric front and back. It's a little tough to see the full quilting pattern on the dark green but you get a good sense of it where the batting shows.

I've got them all trimmed up now and will turn my attention to what to bind them with. Maybe the holly, or maybe a wee gingham? Time to play with a few options....M


  1. very pretty little stockings, gingham binding sounds wonderful.
    Gorgeous quilts for your art in the pews. Churches seem such a lovely place to exhibit quilts.

  2. Marie love the idea of having the panels quilted first and then the assembly after---I think these will turn out so beautiful! Good on ya girl! xo

  3. Hi Marie, Christmas panels are especially beautiful, I think.

  4. These will become heirlooms for some lucky child! Beautiful!


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