Sunday, May 19, 2024

Happy Victoria Day Weekend!

After waiting yesterday for the rain that didn't come, we set up our deck furniture today and proceeded to enjoy much of our day out under the awning. It's been a glorious holiday weekend so far with more great summer-like weather promised for tomorrow, the perfect time to pull out one of my 'from here to eternity' hand stitching projects.

Anna Levens
has been dormant since late last summer so hopefully a few newly basted hexies will give her a little boost.

And what's not to love about using thread that comes on a spool of that gorgeous coral colour??? It came to me via Roberta, who occasionally tucks little surprises into my quilts when she returns them to me so it was time to try it out.

It's by Presencia and is really lovely to work with - very buttery. Thank you Roberta!

Before long, the beginnings of a hexie string begins to emerge. A good day all round. 

If you are celebrating Victoria Day this weekend I hope that it includes lots of down time...M


  1. How lovely to sit out on your deck, enjoying your summery weather and playing with sweet hexies.

  2. So nice to sit and do some hand stitching outside on a beautiful day! Pretty hexies! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  3. Oh Marie! what glorious activity! What a beautiful interplay of colours and shapes...a perfect day! xo

  4. What a great way to spend a beautiful day on the deck! Your hexies are so pretty! Perhaps that’s what I need to get me outta my drought. There’s something about hexies …


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