Sunday, May 12, 2024

Art in the Pews

Whew! It's been a busy couple of weeks! Last weekend our church hosted Art in the Pews where we invited artisans of all stripes to share their work, and it was a huge success. It is a beautiful space and when it was filled to the brim with all of that creativity it looking amazing.

I wasn't quite sure how they would do it, but the pews showcased everything from painting, to wooden toys, to hooked rugs and photography. 

Oh, and quilts of course. Lots of lovely quilts.

I was in charge to the High Tea that was served down in the hall so I only had time to run through the exhibit (I literally ran!) snapping pics as I went. It was a feast for the eyes. It think that this green quilt was all of the provincial flowers.

Helgard, one of our quilters, is also a potter and she's been talking about these Critter Cups that she makes, so I was happy that I found them. She inserts little creatures at the bottom of the mug that emerge as the cup is emptied. How fun is that? She gets lots of interesting special requests.

Betty, Jane, Linda, Anne and Roberta all submitted items for the show, mostly quilts but painting, circus art and hand made pincushions too. Unfortunately, I missed most everything but the quilts. 

This is Betty's gorgeous Farmer's Wife. She had a fellow very interested in buying it but she couldn't part with it.

Roberta brought four or five quilts, if memory serves me correctly. This one is Eventide and I believe that it was a Miss Rosey pattern. You can see that every item had a tent card with at bit of info about the item and whether or not it was for sale (it didn't have to be) and it turns out that several artisans sold items, so they were happy about that. Roberta sold one of hers too.

I submitted Diamond Dust (on the right hand side in the second pew with the mauve floral border) and Little Trees. I don't know who submitted the one to the left of it with the deep blue background, but I love it - it looks like cross stitch from a distance. If I'm not mistaken, the one at the front of this image is a Lori Holt pattern.

After admiring all of that creativity our guests were invited downstairs to enjoy afternoon tea and it too was a great success.

I mean, really, who doesn't love to sit in to a plate of fancy sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and delicate sweets? It was the perfect excuse for all of the gals to dust off their China for the day. A quartet played in the background as the hall filled with chatter.

Early Saturday morning I snapped this photo before the lights came up and the aprons were donned. It didn't take long for the place to fill with the sound of friends sharing a spot of tea. Hats off the Jean who is another one of our quilters. It was her idea to host the event and she did a marvelous job of pulling it off....M


  1. Hats off to you Marie for the many, many ways you assisted in making this event the success it was! Totally enjoyed the exhibits and the tea was simply divine. Time well spent amongst friends and quilts and art and......Linda

  2. I wish I lived closer to enjoy this stunning display and gorgeous setting. My mom was always involved in organizing church teas, and I miss them … the fellowship, delish treats, and a reason to dress up! Congrats on a huge success!


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