Sunday, February 11, 2024


As the calendar was turning over to 2024, Roberta was busy working on a sweet little quilt for her five year-old nephew, Arlo. 

It too has plenty of trees so it gave her good practice for when she moved on to Holiday Forest.

It's called Lookout (which I, tech genius that I am, keep calling Outlook 😶). An Elizabeth Hartman pattern, there are lots of chunky trees and a few sweet critters scattered throughout.

Originally, she was going to make it a crib sized but upsized it to a twin, which was a great idea - he'll get lots of use out of it and will totally love going to bed with all his furry friends for a few years to come. Isn't it adorable?

The pattern showed it quilted with a woodgrain panto and she decided to follow suit. Not sure how well you can see it in the photo, but it was ideal.

Much of the assembly was done under Miss Ivy's watchful eye, who relied heavily on her friend Norman for advice. Here they are looking out from under the Christmas tree. What a team!...M


  1. That is one cute quilt!!! Love the animals in the forest. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Just love your quilt... the trees and animals are a perfect match...

  3. Hmmm. Might need to make one of these for Jula's new baby boy!


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