Sunday, February 18, 2024

Halo's Making Me Happy

My incentive plan to hand quilt on Minnie only after I do a bit of work on Halo is paying off. Look at what's on my sewing table!

For the first time in I don't know how long, there is actual white space starting to appear on the design wall.

Border strips are being added and blocks are being sewn together. It's very surreal.

Every glimpse I get of this quilt as it finally gets closer to completion is such a treat. Just absolutely love the combination of all of those different fabrics. I don't think I have ever made a quilt quite this scrappy, but it's hitting all the right high notes.

I cut all of the border pieces except for the four corner blocks. Those cherries in the upper right corner is one of the pieces that I want for a corner, but do you think that I can find it? Can't possibly be because of my 'piling system'. I'll just keep going; it's got to be in there somewhere....M 


  1. So many great fabrics in this quilt, placed in just the right spots to show off the piecing! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Squeal!!! I am so excited to see you are working on Halo, Marie! I love your version! It’s beautiful!


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