Thursday, February 08, 2024

The Carrot

Knowing how fickle I can be, I didn't want Halo's border to be left in the dust now that I'm hand quilting Minnie. So as a bit of an incentive I committed to assembling at least four border pieces each day before I could pick up my hand quilting. I mean, I'm so close and I just don't want things to stall again.

It's paid off. Pretty soon it was time to start working on the last edge. 

My design wall was already too small for the quilt so I had been placing the pie-shaped pieces along the top edge as well as I could without having them fall to the floor. It sits about four inches below the ceiling and there is no design wall space to work with, so it was time to get a little creative.

Rather than testing the placement of each border piece as I went, I laid out all of the elongated pieces that I was going to use in order.

Then, as they were assembled I gently folded each piece into a loose pile and sat it atop the design wall. They look like pigeons perched under an overpass. You can barely see the pieces, but at least I know what I'm to sew where.

And ta da - my persistence has paid off! With the exception of the four corner pieces, all of the edge pieces are now assembled so it's time to start sewing this beauty together....M


  1. A well organized and beautiful project. You are almost there!

  2. Great idea to make yourself work at it each day before hand quilting. Can’t wait to see this one put together!

  3. Sometimes the carrot and stick approach is the only way to move forward! Lovely to catch up with all your projects today!:)


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