Thursday, December 07, 2023

Wait, There's More!

Being able to use up those surplus trees for my runner was a big bonus, but I found myself longing to actually make more trees. So I did. How about a set of placemats?

I use the Tri-Recs triangle in a square ruler to make the trees and they come together so quickly. The placemats are very similar in layout to the runner, but I eliminated the spacers between the trees. Love the look!

Framed in that red and cream, they really are quite festive.

They are backed with the same snowflake cream that I used on the front. And, similar to the runners, they are quilted with a snowflake panto rather that something more Christmassy so that they can be used all winter long. LUV. 💖

Once the bazaar gets under way things get quite busy and I'm usually serving tables, so I don't get to see what's moving on the craft table. So I was delighted when, at the end of the day we were counting up our earnings in the back room and a gal popped her head in to let me know how excited she was that she bought not only the table runner but the placemats too She was so happy! Apparently she has been buying something of mine every year for the past several. How fun is that?....M


  1. Marie! like who wouldn't want anything that you make, year after year, all so beautifully hand-crafted! Lovely, the placemats are something else, you're inspiring me to follow suit. xo Linda

  2. Perfect is what I would say about these beautiful placemats, Marie!

  3. What a lovely compliment from the buyer of your creations.

  4. Love these!! I just saw a topper that had a checkerboard center with trees around the edge and stars in the corner. These trees remind me of that project.


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