Monday, December 04, 2023

My Rustic Runner

Getting this table runner to the finish line happened remarkably quickly because I was able to dig into the wee stack of remnant Vintage Tree Farm trees. Love that!

In addition to finding a great use for that border print I was tickled that, despite all of the trees appearing to be identical, I was able to get a little bit scrappy with the tree trunks. Simple pleasures.

Here's a good look at the snowflake panto that Roberta used. The runner is trimmed but not yet bound, but you can see those lovely flakes tumbling across the surface - Christmassy if you want it to be but easy to keep on the table all winter long.

Roberta once encouraged me to enjoy sewing down my bindings as it's the last little bit of time that you will have to enjoy working on your quilt, and she is so right. She totally changed my outlook on that step in the process and now I love nothing better than reaching for my clips and settling in for some relaxing hand stitching.

You know me and my weakness for a good bias check for a binding, so I was hap-hap-happy when this one worked so well with the border print. Such a fun project....M


  1. You are right, that binding fabric is perfect. Great quilting too! Are you putting this on your table?

  2. Another beauty, Marie! It’s so ginger-bready Christmas! I love the binding process. There’s something so satisfying when those little clips come out! Although sometimes I feel a little sad after months/years of it on my lap in the evenings …

  3. Beautiful table runner, so totally in love with the little ivory fabric with the snowflakes.


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