Sunday, December 17, 2023

Slowing It Down a Bit

A week today it's Christmas Eve, so it's going to be a busy week of prep in anticipation of the big day. Actually, I had great plans for this past week too - chores set out by day, all very organized - and then a cold laid me low for several days.

Unfortunately, it has found a home in my sinuses that it really likes, so I'm not bouncing back into action as quickly as I had hoped, so today's plan is to lie low and give it another day to get me on track, because those floors aren't gonna scrub themselves!

I'm picking up a little seasonal cross stitch that I started a while back called Good Day Syre Christemas in the hopes that it contains some medicinal powers....M


  1. I’m sure sitting and doing cross stitch has the power to make you feel better! Maybe a cup of tea on the table beside would help too. Hope you can get back to normal soon so you can tackle your list.

  2. Sinus issues are no fun. Hope this day of rest does the trick. Busy week here as well.

  3. Hope you get to feeling better, being ill around the holidays is no fun.

    I love the old time feeling of your cross stitch piece.

  4. Beautiful stitchery! Take care, and hope you feel better soon.

  5. Sorry to read that you are not well. Do hope your health improves for the big day.


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