Tuesday, August 22, 2023

What To Do With The Leftovers?

Three HST blocks remained from my Sugar fix, two blue and one green, so I decided to enlarge them and add them to the pile of 16" blocks that will go to Quilts for Survivors with the quilts and flimsies. I could hang on to them and work them into a Kitchen Sink-type quilt but I have yet to make one so this way I know that they will get used, and quickly.

What to do? There was some thought to adding a border of smaller HSTs either around the entire centre block, or possibly two sides, but the math wasn't taking me easily to 16 inches so I opted for something simpler.

That mauve and green print that I had originally thought would be the light in the flimsies was still out, so I looked at it for a while, but something with a little more punch seemed to be calling my name.

I landed on a bright pink and mauve floral, as it would go with both the blue and the green...
and then found the purple for the corner stones. It's a very traditional looking block and something about it reminds me of a ribbon skirt; I think it's the border print.

The same colours were used for the green block.
It's nice to see the block pile growing as the list of quilts and flimsies grow. I think we'll have a terrific bundle for them to unpack later this fall....M


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