Saturday, August 19, 2023

And Then There Were Two

Both of my Sugar flimsies are now together and looking almost like identical twins.

The mix of fabrics is very, very similar in both, but that's okay. These are for the Quilts for Survivors project so they will go to two different recipients.
They are bright and fresh and just varied enough to keep them interesting.

This was a great way to use up a few scraps that have been hanging around for a while.

I would definitely make another of these but I think I'd make the HSTs smaller - these finish off at 5” but I’d like to try a quilt where they are closer to 3”, still in groups of four but on point. I have a thing for small pieces so these blocks are a bit of a stretch for me (literally!); I've seen a red and green version and really liked it. Didn't do that this time around because I was too lazy to make the setting triangles. Sad.

It feels good to have a couple more flimsies to add to the pile as we are aiming to ship in early October....M


  1. Beautiful quilt tops! HST's sure make wonderful quilts.

  2. Now you have me curious -- how big are your current triangles and how small do you want to go. I love the colors you used. They look wonderful.

  3. HSTs are fun to play with as so many patterns/designs can be made with them. Your quilts will be loved! What a wonderful way to share your craft and use some scraps!

  4. Beautiful quilt tops!!! I love the colors and your prints!!! Truly comforting quilts!


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