Thursday, August 24, 2023

In The Beginning

Anne was quick off the mark when I first sent out my plea for friends to help make quilt tops for Quilts for Survivors but I've not yet shared her creation with you.

The colours in this one are so rich - plums and greens with just a hit of turquoise. Love it! I'm not certain, but I think that she and Jane (a.k.a. The Colour Queen) put their heads together for this combo; just lovely.

There's also a bit of grey tossed in to make it a bit more subdued. And a little 'make a big splash' message just for fun.

When we were taking pics we discovered a seam that needs a little attention before this one is bundled up for giving.

It's a very basic pattern, just squares alternated with four patches, but its the fabrics that make it sing. And that turquoise gingham is just the ticket for brightening things up a bit. 

The green border that she chose ties all the golds and greens that are scattered throughout the quilt together nicely.
Because of the darker colours in it, I suspect that this will be a great quilt for one of the guys. Whoever it is, they will be tickled to receive it....M


  1. it is a beautiful Color Combination - it will surely be loved.
    Thanks for linking to Finished ( or not) Friday!! you are a wonderful addition!!!

  2. These are lovely colors. Greens always look good, even more so with all the heat and drought around here. Praying for rain for all of us.


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