Monday, July 31, 2023

Starry, Starry Night

It seems everyone in my quilting circle is working with brights these days; case in point, these wonderful Wonky Stars that Anne has spent a little time with.

She recently reconnected with a friend from years ago who is also a quilter. Claire is now finding it difficult to sew so Anne offered to complete a small quilt that she had started.

I haven't met Claire, but she sounds like a talent, not only creating exceptional quilts but dying some of her own fabrics too, like these blues.

A stack of bright yellow stars came home with Anne after her visit and the challenge was to finish them up,...

...determine the final layout and then get it quilted and bound; it is to be a gift for a mutual friend. It turned out beautifully.

The scrappiness extended into the border where she incorporated several of the yellows used in the stars. The blue with the white dotted swirls was Anne's contribution and it really works nicely. Very Van Gogh.

It was quilted with a sun pattern that Anne says couldn't be more perfect for it's recipient, so she's pretty pumped about that.

Here's another shot of the quilting.

Sew lovely. What a great friend...M


  1. I love the exuberance of this quilt! It really sparkles. Love all the blues, especially the swirly dots and the sky blues that were hand dyed. Anne you did a great job of putting this one together! Kudos for finishing up a UFO for a friend.

  2. There is something so refreshing about yellow and blue; such happy colours! WOW Anne you did a great job of putting this together and I agree with Marie---the blue with white swirly dots is very VanGogh and takes me off to the skies. Lovely finish and panto chosen. All is all a great success story.

  3. Yes, quilting is taken to a whole new level when you dye your own fabrics, that's for sure. Lovely blues and beautiful yellow stars to complement them.


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