Saturday, August 05, 2023

On A Lighter Note...

Despite the saturated colour that seems to be the order of the day for all of my quilty friends lately, I have been playing with a much softer, almost monochromatic palette - lots of blues and greens with a little mauve and aqua thrown in for good measure. All will be paired with Kona Snow.

I have long wanted to make a quilt with tons of HSTs in sets of four so I decided to make one for Quilts for Survivors. Then Came June's free Sugar Quilt pattern was my starting point but I made a modification or two. 

I wanted the HSTs to be relatively large so I started by cutting 8.5" squares because I have one that width (and because I was feeling a little lazy) and then made four at a time. 

There was a fair bit of time spent trimming them down to 5.5" HSTs (they will finish at 5") but I was in no hurry, and it makes such a difference when it's time to sew everything together.

The payoff is when you start seeing the blocks....M   


  1. Great idea for a quilt for a survivor of a residential school. I made one last year as part of the Toronto Modern Guild . Very worthwhile project.

  2. This is going to look fantastic. I'm into sifter looks lately as well.

  3. love it Marie, the white really showcases the triangles next to them. I am looking for some scraps of white, off white, ivory---for the little Christmas tree quilt I've started, just in case you might have some in your scrap box.

  4. Ah Marie what a great quilt this will be. Love those soft pretty fabrics.

  5. I thought I was done with HSTs with all the Ocean Waves but your lovely quilt makes me want to start again. Five inch blocks sounds much better and it looks like the pressing will be orderly, too. Lovely soft colors. Have fun.


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