Tuesday, July 25, 2023

And Just Like That, It's Finished

This hot and sultry summer has proven to be ideal for Jane's stitching productivity. Her beautiful hand-stitched colourwash quilt is now a flimsy, and in seemingly record time.

It's rich and vibrant; the colours are spectacular.

I love spending time exploring a quilt like this - it's almost like an I Spy quilt where you find bits of fabric that you have always loved and some that you may have contributed. Quilts have a memory all their own.

And this one is already spoken for. When it's all quilted this beauty will find its forever home with a friend of Jane's who lives in the Maritimes.

Parting with it wasn't easy but she's already thinking ahead, planning to make a Temperature Quilt using a similar block. I think that block will lend itself to a Temperature Quilt perfectly.

Isn't this the face of a happy quilter?....M


  1. Golly--this is such a spectacular quilt!! I just love it--I am going to begin one for myself--I just love that colorwash effect she has achieved..thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

  2. Hi Marie: was a surprise to hear Jane was giving this quilt away to someone in the Maritimes. Last I heard she was going to hang it on a wall in her home. But, saying that, I also heard a number of times how Lucy loved this colorful quilt and said "Auntie Janie is making this blanket for ME!" so there's nothing like the special request of a 3-year old to move your heart. After all Jane is the God-Mother. Wondering now where that quilt will end up?? Birthday gift for Lucy who turns four on Aug. 23. It's a beautiful quilt and so colorful just like Lucy is. xox THat's why we quilt isn't it? Someone always needs to be wrapped in the comfort and love of a quilt made just for them.


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