Monday, June 26, 2023

A Good Day

Things were really smokey here again yesterday from the forest fires that continue to burn up north and in Quebec, which meant that we were pretty much confined to the house. A good time to spend cross stitching.

All of the trees on one side are finished now, with the exception of the footprints from the reindeer, so I moved on to the type at the bottom of the pattern. This area is worked with a single band of floss over one thread. Oh my! Suddenly my earlier stitches looked like giants!

It took me a bit to get onto it, especially since I was trying to watch golf at the same time, but eventually I got the swing of it. My task lamp was invaluable. All in all, a good day....M


  1. It does sound like a good day, despite the unfortunate smoke. What count linen are you using?

  2. So pretty! I need my magnifier lamp all the time to cross stitch these days. I love the snow tipped trees!


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