Thursday, June 22, 2023

And Suddenly, A Forest

Remember the trees that Anne was working on for her Quilts for Survivors contribution? Well, they've been finished for a while now, I have just been slack in sharing them with you. 

After getting a system in place she finished up her blocks in good time. I'm still loving the idea of using her portable easel as a stand for her small design wall.

They are a lovely scrappy mix of greens and turquoise.

And when you put them all together, wa-la! - a beautiful forest.

Actually, two, as she's made enough blocks for two flimsies.

And she used the leftovers to make two beautiful scrappy bindings which will be perfect for them.

She couldn't bear to part with the triangle trimmings (girl after my own heart) so she's been hand piecing these tiny blocks and is already working on a small project to use them in. Waste not, want not!....M


  1. Oh I love that Santa's Laundry piece...had to cover my eyes because I want it too.LOL Meanwhile, yes these little forests are beautiful and I too love the use of the leftovers in such a neat way. All wonderful stuff,Marie.

  2. What beautiful trees! And, those colours! Turned upside down I see white trees with all the colours of nature in the landscape. Well done, Anne!


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