Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Maybe I'll Try Just One...

One of the things that the gals at Quilts for Survivors have requested are 16" blocks (16.5" unfinished), and seeing the blocks that some of the quilters were making made me want to see if I could add to that pile a bit. It would add to the variety of the bundle that we are preparing and would be much faster than making another flimsy.

I seldom, if ever, work with blocks this large, so it was also sort of a personal challenge to find a block that I liked and maybe make one or two. This Ohio Star was my first effort. 

It ticked all of the boxes quite nicely - a 4 x 4 grid that got me to 16" and was a little interesting to boot.

So I tried another one.

Okay, how about one more.

What the heck, let's try another one (I think you can see where this is going).

I was making eight HSTs at a time starting with two 10" squares and once you got into the rhythm of them they came together quite quickly. Slowly they kept adding up.

In my mind's eye I imagined a narrow sashing with a tiny dark cornerstone, but when I laid them all out they looked pretty good together just as they were. Three more and I would have a lap quilt that met their specs. What the heck. 

So, I've got three more pairs on the cutting table and ready to go. Guess I'll need to find another pattern if I'm planning to add to the 'blocks' pile 😉....M


  1. That sounds just like me, haha. They look so lovely all together like that. Great job! ;^)

  2. I love the Ohio Star I can manage. And look how pretty yours look all together. This will be beautiful.

  3. Great colours, Marie! The block might be simple, but wow, what creative interest when it’s all put together like that!
    Happy Canada Day!


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