Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Lena Hosts the Christmas Cookie Bakeoff

For two long years we have had to forgo getting together for our annual Christmas Cookie Bakeoff, but this year it was a go! Lena and her mom Julia were happy to host and she dug right in.

She and Nanny were both very careful cutting and placing her gingerbread men. As luck would have it, she was the only one able to enjoy an afternoon nap.

So many favourite recipes were pulled out...

and a few yummy new ones added to the list.

Much of the magic happens at the decorating table in the capable hands of Julia and Jane. Oh, and Betty too (it pays to hang around graphic designers).

Royal icing is the perfect medium to put a new spin on old favourites.

And sometimes things go a little retro.

We were down a couple of bakers this time around but still managed to bake 131 dozen between us, including these delicious shortbreads (again, beautifully decorated).

Lena got a big thumbs up at the end of the day and we're really hoping that she will consider hosting again next year. 

Such a blessing to be able to be together again to share this tradition!....M


  1. Wow! That’s a lot of cookies! Looks like a fun and productive day! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. I always enjoy your cookie baking. Which one did the official cookie taster try first?

  3. So very happy this lovely tradition survived the difficult covid years. Salut Ladies!

  4. Your little Lena is adorable. She looks so serious and careful about placing the cookies.
    It's crazy to me to imagine making 131 dozen cookies in a day! Two ovens? They look both beautiful and delicious.
    So who's who in the last photo of the ladies on the steps?

  5. Oh my, look at all the smiling faces! This always looks like the best fun.:)

  6. So happy the tradition continues! I love that Lena is all decked out in plaid and her adorable apron! She’s a natural! And, the cookies looks AMAZING!!!


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