Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Stroll Down Holiday Lane

Our first snow of the season arrived this week. Well, at least the first snow that stayed. With everything white on the ground it seemed like a good time to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee by the window as the world woke up. 

Apparently I wasn't the only one to be excited. The guys down at the Works department couldn't wait to get the plows out and were on our street by 8:30 am, a small miracle considering both the amount of snow (very little) and the fact that on a good day, they don't seem to be able to get here before noon. Ah well, who am I to deny them a little fun?

Anyway, with the world now looking very white it's time to share a little fa la la.

When I was still in Holly Bazaar mode I finished things off with two very snowy runners from a pattern by Cluck Cluck Sew.

It's from this booklet (the one at the bottom) and is appropriately named Holiday Lane

The original pattern was done up in what I would consider primary colours but about a year ago I saw a kit being offered by Sweet Daisy Quilt Shop done up in this lovely, airy collection of prints - red and green enough to say Christmas but light enough to be used all winter.

I just fell in love with the look.

It's an easy pattern to make with just two different blocks - a cute little house and an evergreen tree.

The big bonus for me was that I was able to squeeze two runners from one kit (which, unfortunately, is no longer available) - the only fabric that I didn't have enough of was the white, but that was easy to remedy. It's a little tough to see in this pic, but I used a white on white.

Absolutely love it. So much so that I'm trying to figure out how to use the same elements for a Christmas throw. I'll show you the quilted versions next time....M


  1. Winter is making its initial appearance. The first snow always seems exciting, except if you happen to live in Buffalo, NY. Your table runner is sweet. Perfect for the season.

  2. We had snow here outside Ottawa but now it is mild and going to rain. Kind of miserable. Meanwhile what delightful sewing you show here like always. Yes, those fabrics are especially beautiful, I agree.

  3. How cozy and lovely to get your first dusting of snow. I love your fabrics - and what a bonus that they can be displayed all winter. It's a cute idea to do seasonal table runners.


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