Sunday, December 04, 2022

More Christmas Cookies!

Believe it or not, there was more baking on the schedule this weekend. 

Alla, her daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter moved to Canada shortly after the war began in Ukraine last spring, thanks in large part to our friend Arlene and her family. And, while she doesn't usually celebrate Christmas in the same way that we do, today she was game to join a few of us to try her hand at baking Christmas cookies, spiced nuts and granola. She had a blast and so did we! 

She is a beautiful baker so it was fun introducing her to new recipes...

and was over the moon to be able to try her hand decorating with Royal Icing. 

Arlene couldn't resist the icing and the sprinkles either.

There were some real beauties to be enjoyed when all was said and done.

Arlene also made batches of delicious granola and spiced nuts for everyone to take home.

We hadn't made any Thimble Cookies last weekend so they got added to the list.

And a little hit of chocolate and gingerbread never hurt anyone either.

Another great day in the kitchen thanks to Alla, Arlene, Anne and Betty and a Christmas memory that will long be remembered by all....M


  1. Looks like you had a great time creating yummy Christmas treats! Welcome to Canada, Alla and family! We are so happy that you are here and safe.

  2. Your smiles make me smile! What a wonderful way to share in Alla’s first Canadian Christmas! Welcome to Canada!!!


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