Thursday, September 29, 2022

Piccadilly Topper

I've been switching between Christmas and Hallowe'en themed toppers and now I'm back to Hallowe'en. 

The inspiration for this one came from Pinterest and it really reminds me of a city block where you might go trick or treating. 

The pattern is called Piccadilly from Doug Leko's book Tabletastic.

I simplified things a bit, making the centre one 6" block rather than a four patch. And, despite my penchant for scrappy, I used the same cream print throughout, letting the blacks, oranges and greys do their thing.

And, similar to the inspiration piece, I also opted to make the first border from the cream rather than a darker print, and I really like it - it lightens things up nicely.

Despite not being a huge fan of Hallowe'en, I do find that I enjoy sewing with some of the themed prints, like these little pumpkin dots (I tend to avoid the gory side of the holiday).

I debated using a dark grey and white for the outer border...

but landed on the black and white, and I think it was a good move. 

It finishes off around 25" square, so it's a good size and will be nice on a table. Needless to say, I'll be asking Roberta to quilt it with the little pumpkin panto....M


  1. Hi Marie, what a wonderful themed piece this is. I am most interested in the "houses"border. Really neat!

  2. Very nice. I’m not into the scary side of Halloween either. Those little pumpkins are cute!

  3. I really like your version of the pattern. Another winner.

  4. Hi LIttle Rie: love this table topper, great choice of fabrics and just love the black/white outer border, ab fab!

  5. I want both! What a great pattern, and those colours & fabrics are perfect. Love the greys & blacks!


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