Friday, October 07, 2022

I Got A Little Lucky

The gals who run the Holly Bazaar like to browse the craft table before the doors open, which means that the inventory is a little thinner by the time folks come through the gates, so I was thinking that maybe one more table runner wouldn't be a bad thing. Something that would come together quickly and add to the variety. 

Well, I got lucky. While I was digging through my sewing table for something else I came across this bundle of HSTs that I had made last year, including a suggested layout for them. Problem solved.

As I started with the layout I drifted towards simplifying it and just randomly placing HSTs all pointing in the same direction.

The more I played with it, the more I liked it, so Plan A was moved to the side.

It came together nicely and I was just a little giddy finding one lonely HST in this cream holly and berry print. It was like hidden treasure; I pine for more of that fabric. 😏

This red pin dot looked like it would make for a great border...

and then I played with a few binding options, starting with green.

Maybe this red with the large dots? Or maybe darker red? I think I might go with the green but we'll see what it looks like when it's quilted.

I knew that there was also a stack of silver and gold HSTs from a year or two ago hanging around as well, and it didn't take long to find them. I laid them out according to the pattern that I'd found with the first stack and it was looking good, so I kept going.

The ends of the runner are slightly different than the original layout but I managed to figure out something that worked.

The little bit of metallic in these prints gives this one a very different feel to most of the pieces that I've made - very festive. 

Anyway, two more runners for the bazaar ready to be quilted, and with a fairly quick turnaround. Lucky me....M



  1. Great way to use those found HST’s!. I’ve been doing some sewing for our bazaar …three baby quilts and some zipper pouches.

  2. I’m so far behind on all of your projects, Marie. Trust you to be able to dig through your stash, and find the perfect things to make such beauties for the Holly Bazaar! They’ll get snapped up fast!

  3. I love quilts made all from HSTs and those holiday runners are especially nice! I know what you mean about the thrill when you find a scrap of an old favorite fabric and can work it into your current project. I should sew all those precious bits together just to remind myself to BUY MORE FABRIC when I find a print that I really love! I never regret buying too much fabric, but I sure do regret when an OOP favorite runs out!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.