Saturday, September 24, 2022

No Need To Trim The Trees

If you play around with something long enough a solution is bound to appear. Or fall out of your stash.

You will recall my initial idea of laying out two rows of my Christmas Pines to create a runner or two for the Holly Bazaar...

and how even the idea of cutting the blocks down a bit was still going to leave them very oversized.

Well, as I kept pondering my options...

this appeared from my stash. Perfect!

I am SO happy with them! Very cheery. And, there was enough to make at least two and back them with the check as well. They are off being quilted but I'm hoping that there's enough fabric left to make at least one more (heaven knows I have enough trees...), even if I have to find a different backing....M


  1. This is now dang near perfect, great choice. Just never underestimate the ability of the stash to come through and to the rescue! Lindianna

  2. I love these trees! I think the plaid is perfect and makes the whole runner very festive. Great solution--thank heavens for our stashes!

  3. These red trees are wonderful. I think my favorite. You must have bought that border and backing with something fun in mind.

  4. Perfection! That plaid is gorgeous, and I love the simplicity in the colour scheme. There’s so much interest in all the fabrics!


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