Sunday, January 03, 2021

Just What I Needed

It is not surprising that my expectations for this past holiday season were considerably blunted by the issues that we all continue to confront due to the coronavirus, but on this, the last day of our Christmas vacation, I have to say that different didn't necessarily mean bad. Thanks to food deliveries and Zoom gift openings we found little ways to adapt and still connect to celebrate the season. And, having my new Little Trees quilt to work on was an added bonus!

The last several months have been very busy so things have been a little slow on the quilting front, but having a week to relax and stitch has been the perfect ending to an otherwise herkie jerky year.

More and more prints that are hiding on my shelves are getting worked into the quilts, making it truly scrappy. I'm loving finding new prints to integrate, including the deep dive that I took into the green scrap basket; I suspect that there might be a few additional treasures in the red basket as well...

And I've dug into my surplus Minnie hexies and trimmed several down to use as trunks - they are the perfect length and do a wonderful job of adding to the mix (we'll just ignore the fact that if I wanted a hand stitching project to work on I could have easily picked up Minnie, shall we?).

And so it grows.

So, despite my consternation earlier in December, we truly have enjoyed a happy holiday. I'm not overly keen to have it end and get back to work tomorrow, but I have one day of holidays left and you can pretty much guess how it will be filled.

Thank you for stopping in every now and then to see what I'm up to and for sharing your generous comments - it means the world to me and is so valuable in continuing to feel connected. Wishing you and yours a wonderful, and much healthier, New Year! Let's continue to be creative and find ways to enrich our souls as we work through this challenge....M



  1. I admire your attitude and I love your little trees! Happy New Year!

  2. Oh my goodness, I love your trees! I’ve missed a few blogs here, and now, after seeing these and Jane’s beautiful quilt, I wanna make trees! Happy New Year, Marie!

  3. You're right that different doesn't mean bad. We've all learned to pivot and adapt. And that's a good thing. Great finds for your trees. Its going to be sweet.

  4. Yes, VERY sweet. I bet Sandy will have one done next time we meet.

  5. What a lovely quilt, I love all the different greens you have used.

  6. Your trees ar adorable! Happy New Year!

  7. Zoom gift openings? Wish I'd thought of that! Sounds like you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas, after all. And yes -- I love rediscovering "treasures" in my scrap bins!

  8. Such pretty little trees, no wonder you enjoy working on them so much!

  9. Your little tress are so cute! I'm love that you are finding new treasures in your stash!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.