Monday, December 28, 2020

The Magic of the Season

I hope that you enjoyed a very Merry Christmas! Ours, like so many others, was much quieter, but we adapted and found ways to still make it a special time. 

With the holiday hustle and bustle behind us, and a week free of obligations ahead of us, I found myself casting about for something to do. Not surprisingly, I didn't seem to land on any of the many projects that are in play - sort of that feeling that you get when you finish a quilt and don't know what to do (though I didn't finish anything...). Then the other night I decided to play 'follow the leader' and see if I could put my hand to starting the Little Trees quilt like Jane's that I shared with you the last time. The templates have been cut for months and there was even a small pile of fabrics nearby, so I gave it a shot. It was just what I needed.

My first effort was fun but I goofed a bit with the tip of the tree so adjustments were made. I also decided to try a narrower tree trunk.

Here's how the two blocks compare; I will stay with the revised version on the right.

I pulled together a few inspiration pics of Anna Jantina's quilt and then dug around for more fabric...

...following Ana's lead and including a little blue in the mix.

A new hand stitching project is born. Luv!....M


  1. Nice work on these cute little trees--What a fun hand project this will be...
    Hugs from SE CT Julierose

  2. Super cute. I like the thinner trunks too and the addition of the blue. I need to cast out and see what I can reel in.

  3. Beautiful! I love the colours and the shapes.

  4. It's such an uplift to start a new project and these trees are sooo cute.

  5. What size are your finished blocks? They are looking great. I’m jealous of your fabric stash! Happy new year!

  6. Such a sweet looking block. I looked and looked at similar blocks last Christmas season and almost started one myself. I can see you're going to have fun with this!:)


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