Friday, January 08, 2021

Huddling in Place

On Boxing Day our province went back into lockdown so everyone is huddling in place again, except for the most basic of needs. It reminded me that I have been holding out on you. This past fall (a few months ago already), in an attempt to divert my attention from something else that I should have been doing, I picked up all of the blocks for Huddle and arranged the final layout...

ensuring that all of my Xs were angled in the same direction. 

Within a day or so it was all together. 

I love the fabrics in this one. The choices were inspired by the image on the pattern and I'm not sure that I would have made them on my own.

It's amazing how many times you think, ah, this is my favourite...

and then you change your mind.

I find it surprisingly light in colour, but it still evokes the feel of a woven coverlet.

I took a pic of the flimsy outdoors just before the snows flew but it really doesn't do it justice. It will help you see the overall layout though. Not sure if I will keep this one or if it will be a charity quilt but it's nice to have it in the finished column. And with a name like Huddle, it is a good reminder for the times: stay at home and stay safe....M


  1. Lovely finish on this--Great color choices you made!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Love the light in the middle with the dark border. Great quilt !

  3. I like the layout of these beautiful cheerful blocks. Huddle is an appropriate name.

  4. So pretty! I love the colored outside and light inside! So glad you shared the finish with us. Keep up the stitching, you do such lovely work. K-


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