Monday, January 25, 2021


After four years, yes, four years (!) of having Candied Hexagons in the hoop, I'm going out on a limb to say that it will be coming out of the hoop this week. Woohoo!

Quilting the last of the large hexies went quicker than I had imagined as there were a few less that I thought I had to do.

So then it was on to the setting triangles. With only five along each side and another straight line quilting design, I finished up the last of them last night. The pink is an Art Gallery fabric and was a dream to quilt.

Thinking that everything was wrapped up I laid it out on the floor only to discover that I had missed on hexie, so that will get quilted tonight. I'm no fortuneteller, but this one is soon to be bound. It's almost hard to believe!

While I'm in a giddy mood I thought that I'd get in on all of the Senator Bernie Sanders memes from last week's presidential inauguration in Washington that are circulating. You will recall that the photo of him dressed for the weather with his practical jacket and mittens has gone viral with folks placing him in lots and lots of interesting situations.

Needless to say, the quilting ones caught my attention...

so I just had to share a couple. He also made it to the covered bridge in my home town 😄. The guy gets around! He's taking it all in stride and is behind a plan to sell sweatshirts with the image, all profits going to charities like Meals on Wheels. Good on him.....M


  1. BRAVO Marie! Big job done. A true work of art. Bernie would approve!

  2. The finish line is in sight. It will feel good to have this lovely quilt all done and ready to be loved.

  3. Bernie looked like he would have been happy to have a cozy quilt wrapped around his shoulders on that chilly day. Bravo to him to take advantage of the situation to earn money to feed the needy.

  4. Your quilting on these pretty hexagons is so beautiful, Marie and yes, yay to a finish of them. Meanwhile, how great that Bernie turned this fun thing into a money maker for charity!

  5. How exciting to be so close to finishing after all these years! Your fabrics look beautiful in the photos you shared, and I'm looking forward to seeing the whole thing. Just gorgeous!

  6. I can’t wait to see a photo of the whole quilt, Marie! The colours are so soft, and the quilting is stunning! Labour of love!

    I’ve really enjoyed the Bernie pics ... good on him for turning this into something for the good of others!

  7. what beautiful houses!
    love those Bernie pics with a quilting theme, what a giggle


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