Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Solving the Puzzle

Believe it or not, I think that I now have all of the pieced hexies in Candied Hexagons quilted! I suspect that there might be one that has yet to be quilted lurking in there somewhere but I was keen to finally turn my attention to how the large, unpieced hexies were to be quilted and was looking for a change of scenery. The only rule: a straight line pattern so that I could continue to use my painter's tape to mark it - no marker, chalk or template, please.

In the end, it was quite simple - crisscross the hexie three times from corner to corner and then stitch a zigzag pattern around the edge to create a bit of a star. It's proving to be a nice mix with the various patterns already stitched into the pieced hexies and nicely feeds into my idea of a bowl of hard candies of all different designs.

To ensure that my zigzag is even all the way around I created a rough guide that I lay out at the centre point of each side of a hexie and place a pin(Ithe little white dot) to mark where I change direction and head for the next corner (I am bound and determined not to mark anything!).

I think that there are eight or nine hexies to be quilted like this and I have already finished three, so it's moving along nicely.

Much as I love this print, I am glad that the quilt does not have more of it - SO difficult to see for quilting! Maybe my eyes are just getting old, but it was much tougher than for the lighter prints.

Anyway, soon the next piece of the puzzle will be figuring out how to quilt the setting triangles; I'm hoping that I can develop a version of this pattern, which has me dreaming of actually binding this beauty some time this year! 😉....M


  1. Anytime you can get away from applying marking lines that's the way to go. It's all coming together so well

  2. This is lovely, and your quilting looks perfect. I'm with you on avoiding marking; I use masking tape too.

  3. I bow down to anyone who has the patience to hand quilt a quilt. I love the looks, just don't have the patience. Your quilt looks lovely.


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